Ponder 10

Kia Ora bloggers

The part that has surprised me is when Bradley said hello to Jeff and that Jeff said hello to Bradley that is the part that surprised me. The part that made me have a strong emotion is when Bradley said I hate you I hate you to Carla when she said she was leaving that was really sad I could imagine someone saying that to someone else. Do you think that you were expecting that from Carla? or from when Bradley and Jeff were being friends again?

5 thoughts on “Ponder 10

  1. Kia ora pepetua, riley here
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Aswell i think the same that the part that has a strong emotion is when bradley said i hate you i hate, The part that suprised is when jeff and bradley came back to friends.
    I wasnt expecting that carla was gonna leave becuase bradley sees her like most of the time.
    What was the most excited part in theres a boy in a girls toilet?.
    Well thats me later bout

  2. Kia ora Pepetua im sry my buddy Darren could not comment since hes gone but im commenting I think u did an amazing job about this blog post i really liked it i answered ur question on my blog u can check it out anyways have a nice day blog u later – Dev rm 16

  3. Kia Ora Pepetua Emily here from the Hive
    To me a part of the book that surprised me when Bradly made Jeff give him a penny or he would spit on him.
    Are you enjoying the new book? Blog you later🌺

  4. Kia Ora Emily I really like what you said about Bradley that he would spit on him if he doesn t give him a penny and thank you for commenting on my blog and yes I did like the book about there is a boy in the girls bathroom and maybe I will come and visit your blog some day. BLOG you later.


  5. Kia Ora Dev I really like what you said about my blog post that it was amazing and thank you for commenting on my blog and for saying nice stuff on my blog and maybe I would check your blog. blog you later.


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