Mr lemoncello Chapter 18 There is no i in team.

I would choose to work together.

Because working alone would be kinda sad because being alnoe just doesn’t feel good

I would to choose to work together because what if something goes wrong you would have no help with you. you would have to have help if something goes wrong.

I would work together because working together would probaly be fun because working together is fun ok.

thanks byeeee

But I also think being sperated would be fun because they sabatodge. byeeeeee


Advetures are the pits


Kia Ora its Pepetua.

Im proud of my writting because I made the sick sentence better.

(Sick Sentences) The boy stood at the top of the slide He went down the tube. He had fun.

Nervously Tommy stood at the top of the long  orange slide. Screaming as he went down the steep slide. Terrified, he clenches his hands really tight.